Disclaimer: All testimonies shared are personal experiences & journeys of the individual. We do not make any claims of healings or guarantee any results.

Kangen water and Stroke
Kangen water and Pregnancy
Gastritis & Kidney Stones - Dineshka Thenuwara
Type 2 diabetes and weight loss - Sharmila Thomas (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
Allergies - Ms Sachiko Sri Lanka - Allergies
Postrate Cancer - Jayantha Jayawardene Sri Lanka (Amali Senanayake - Bio Feedback Therapist)
Weight loss - Roshith Perera (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
Weight loss - Ryan Raymond (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
Eczema - Tamara Raymond (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
Arthritis - Firoze Munzeer (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
Type 2 diabetes and weight loss - Sharmila Thomas (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Kim Gregory from Dubai

Purchase Inquiries

* price/currency/model varies depending on the region/country

Watch Expert Opinions on Kangen Water

Why Enagic is Best
Dr Michael Donladson
Dr. Michael Explains the water
Dr. Hiromi Shinya ~ Kangen Alkaline Water
Dr. Hiromi Shinya ~ Kangen Alkaline Water
Fitness Experts on Kangen Water
What Doctors are saying about Kangen Water
Dr Horst Filtzer, MD Endorses Kangen Water
Dr Carpenter Benefits of Kangen Water
Dr Tim McKnight
Dr Tim Goodwin chiropractor
Kangen Water - Use in Restaurants