තෙවන පාර්ශවීය ආරක්ෂණ සහතික කිරීම්

ISO 9001 - තත්ත්ව හා කළමනාකරණ පද්ධතියේ බලපත්ර ලබා දීම පිළිබඳ සාධනය.

ISO 14001 - පාරිසරික කළමනාකරණ පද්ධතියට බලපත්ර ලබා දුන් බවට සාධනය.

ISO 13485 - වෛද්ය උපකරණ සඳහා බලපත්ර ලබා දුන් බවට සාධනය.
අනෙකුත් සහතික කිරීම්

Medical Device Marketing Authorization
Issued by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Government of Japan.
License Number: 27B2X00070

Medical Device Manufacturing license
Issued by Osaka Prefecture.
License Number: 27BZ006010

Proof of Product Recognition
Issued by Geriatric Disease Prevention Association (JAPA)
Recognition number 1120

Registration certificate of Kangen Water®
Issued by United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Registration Number: 4,063,154

Registration certificate
Change Your Water - Change Your Life Issued by United States Patent and Trademark Office
Registration Number: 3,852,774

Recognized as a member in good standing
Issued by Direct Selling Association for the year 2015.

Certificate of Registration of Copyright
The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records.

DSA Code of Ethics Communication Initiative
Certificate of Recognition Presented to: Enagic USA Inc.